0byt3m1n1 - D7net
0byt3m1n1 - D7net
Name File: cf_util.cfm
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<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="Yes"> <!--- * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben * * == BEGIN LICENSE == * * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your * choice: * * - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL") * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL") * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html * * - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL") * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html * * == END LICENSE == * * This file include generic functions used by the ColdFusion Connector (MX 6.0 and above). ---> <cffunction name="RemoveFromStart" output="false" returntype="String"> <cfargument name="sourceString" type="String"> <cfargument name="charToRemove" type="String"> <cfif left(ARGUMENTS.sourceString, 1) eq ARGUMENTS.charToRemove> <cfreturn mid( ARGUMENTS.sourceString, 2, len(ARGUMENTS.sourceString) -1 )> </cfif> <cfreturn ARGUMENTS.sourceString> </cffunction> <cffunction name="RemoveFromEnd" output="false" returntype="String"> <cfargument name="sourceString" type="String"> <cfargument name="charToRemove" type="String"> <cfif right(ARGUMENTS.sourceString, 1) eq ARGUMENTS.charToRemove> <cfreturn mid( ARGUMENTS.sourceString, 1, len(ARGUMENTS.sourceString) -1 )> </cfif> <cfreturn ARGUMENTS.sourceString> </cffunction> <!--- Check file content. Currently this function validates only image files. Returns false if file is invalid. detectionLevel: 0 = none 1 = check image size for images, 2 = use DetectHtml for images ----> <cffunction name="IsImageValid" returntype="boolean" output="true"> <cfargument name="filePath" required="true" type="String"> <cfargument name="extension" required="true" type="String"> <cfset var imageCFC = ""> <cfset var imageInfo = ""> <cfif not ListFindNoCase("gif,jpeg,jpg,png,swf,psd,bmp,iff,tiff,tif,swc,jpc,jp2,jpx,jb2,xmb,wbmp", ARGUMENTS.extension)> <cfreturn true> </cfif> <cftry> <cfif REQUEST.CFVersion gte 8> <cfset objImage = ImageRead(ARGUMENTS.filePath) > <cfset imageInfo = ImageInfo(objImage)> <!--- <cfimage action="info" source="#ARGUMENTS.filePath#" structName="imageInfo" /> ---> <cfelse> <cfset imageCFC = createObject("component", "image")> <cfset imageInfo = imageCFC.getImageInfo("", ARGUMENTS.filePath)> </cfif> <cfif imageInfo.height lte 0 or imageInfo.width lte 0> <cfreturn false> </cfif> <cfcatch type="any"> <cfreturn false> </cfcatch> </cftry> <cfreturn true> </cffunction> <!--- Detect HTML in the first KB to prevent against potential security issue with IE/Safari/Opera file type auto detection bug. Returns true if file contain insecure HTML code at the beginning. ---> <cffunction name="DetectHtml" output="false" returntype="boolean"> <cfargument name="filePath" required="true" type="String"> <cfset var tags = "<body,<head,<html,<img,<pre,<script,<table,<title"> <cfset var chunk = lcase( Trim( BinaryFileRead( ARGUMENTS.filePath, 1024 ) ) )> <cfif not Len(chunk)> <cfreturn false> </cfif> <cfif refind('<!doctype\W*x?html', chunk)> <cfreturn true> </cfif> <cfloop index = "tag" list = "#tags#"> <cfif find( tag, chunk )> <cfreturn true> </cfif> </cfloop> <!--- type = javascript ---> <cfif refind('type\s*=\s*[''"]?\s*(?:\w*/)?(?:ecma|java)', chunk)> <cfreturn true> </cfif> > <!--- href = javascript ---> <!--- src = javascript ---> <!--- data = javascript ---> <cfif refind('(?:href|src|data)\s*=\s*[\''"]?\s*(?:ecma|java)script:', chunk)> <cfreturn true> </cfif> <!--- url(javascript ---> <cfif refind('url\s*\(\s*[\''"]?\s*(?:ecma|java)script:', chunk)> <cfreturn true> </cfif> <cfreturn false> </cffunction>
2018. | Recode by D7net