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Name File: AdminSuppliersController.php
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<?php /* * 2007-2014 PrestaShop * * NOTICE OF LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0) * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to license@prestashop.com so we can send you a copy immediately. * * DISCLAIMER * * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer * versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your * needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information. * * @author PrestaShop SA <contact@prestashop.com> * @copyright 2007-2014 PrestaShop SA * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA */ class AdminSuppliersControllerCore extends AdminController { public $bootstrap = true ; public function __construct() { $this->table = 'supplier'; $this->className = 'Supplier'; $this->addRowAction('view'); $this->addRowAction('edit'); $this->addRowAction('delete'); $this->allow_export = true; $this->_orderBy = 'name'; $this->_orderWay = 'ASC'; $this->bulk_actions = array( 'delete' => array( 'text' => $this->l('Delete selected'), 'icon' => 'icon-trash', 'confirm' => $this->l('Delete selected items?') ) ); $this->_select = 'COUNT(DISTINCT ps.`id_product`) AS products'; $this->_join = 'LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_supplier` ps ON (a.`id_supplier` = ps.`id_supplier`)'; $this->_group = 'GROUP BY a.`id_supplier`'; $this->fieldImageSettings = array('name' => 'logo', 'dir' => 'su'); $this->fields_list = array( 'id_supplier' => array('title' => $this->l('ID'), 'align' => 'center', 'class' => 'fixed-width-xs'), 'logo' => array('title' => $this->l('Logo'), 'align' => 'center', 'image' => 'su', 'orderby' => false, 'search' => false), 'name' => array('title' => $this->l('Name')), 'products' => array('title' => $this->l('Number of products'), 'align' => 'right', 'filter_type' => 'int', 'tmpTableFilter' => true), 'active' => array('title' => $this->l('Enabled'), 'align' => 'center', 'active' => 'status', 'type' => 'bool', 'orderby' => false, 'class' => 'fixed-width-xs') ); parent::__construct(); } public function setMedia() { parent::setMedia(); $this->addJqueryUi('ui.widget'); $this->addJqueryPlugin('tagify'); } public function initPageHeaderToolbar() { if (empty($this->display)) $this->page_header_toolbar_btn['new_supplier'] = array( 'href' => self::$currentIndex.'&addsupplier&token='.$this->token, 'desc' => $this->l('Add new supplier', null, null, false), 'icon' => 'process-icon-new' ); parent::initPageHeaderToolbar(); } public function renderForm() { // loads current warehouse if (!($obj = $this->loadObject(true))) return; $image = _PS_SUPP_IMG_DIR_.$obj->id.'.jpg'; $image_url = ImageManager::thumbnail($image, $this->table.'_'.(int)$obj->id.'.'.$this->imageType, 350, $this->imageType, true, true); $image_size = file_exists($image) ? filesize($image) / 1000 : false; $tmp_addr = new Address(); $res = $tmp_addr->getFieldsRequiredDatabase(); $required_fields = array(); foreach ($res as $row) $required_fields[(int)$row['id_required_field']] = $row['field_name']; $this->fields_form = array( 'legend' => array( 'title' => $this->l('Suppliers'), 'icon' => 'icon-truck' ), 'input' => array( array( 'type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'id_address', ), array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => $this->l('Name'), 'name' => 'name', 'required' => true, 'col' => 4, 'hint' => $this->l('Invalid characters:').' <>;=#{}', ), array( 'type' => 'textarea', 'label' => $this->l('Description'), 'name' => 'description', 'lang' => true, 'hint' => array( $this->l('Invalid characters:').' <>;=#{}', $this->l('Will appear in the list of suppliers.') ), 'autoload_rte' => 'rte' //Enable TinyMCE editor for short description ), array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => $this->l('Phone'), 'name' => 'phone', 'required' => in_array('phone', $required_fields), 'maxlength' => 16, 'col' => 4, 'hint' => $this->l('Phone number for this supplier') ), array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => $this->l('Mobile phone'), 'name' => 'phone_mobile', 'required' => in_array('phone_mobile', $required_fields), 'maxlength' => 16, 'col' => 4, 'hint' => $this->l('Mobile phone number for this supplier') ), array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => $this->l('Address'), 'name' => 'address', 'maxlength' => 128, 'col' => 6, 'required' => true ), array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => $this->l('Address').' (2)', 'name' => 'address2', 'required' => in_array('address2', $required_fields), 'col' => 6, 'maxlength' => 128, ), array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => $this->l('Zip/postal code'), 'name' => 'postcode', 'required' => in_array('postcode', $required_fields), 'maxlength' => 12, 'col' => 2, ), array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => $this->l('City'), 'name' => 'city', 'maxlength' => 32, 'col' => 4, 'required' => true, ), array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => $this->l('Country'), 'name' => 'id_country', 'required' => true, 'col' => 4, 'default_value' => (int)$this->context->country->id, 'options' => array( 'query' => Country::getCountries($this->context->language->id, false), 'id' => 'id_country', 'name' => 'name', ), ), array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => $this->l('State'), 'name' => 'id_state', 'col' => 4, 'options' => array( 'id' => 'id_state', 'query' => array(), 'name' => 'name' ) ), array( 'type' => 'file', 'label' => $this->l('Logo'), 'name' => 'logo', 'display_image' => true, 'image' => $image_url ? $image_url : false, 'size' => $image_size, 'hint' => $this->l('Upload a supplier logo from your computer.') ), array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => $this->l('Meta title'), 'name' => 'meta_title', 'lang' => true, 'col' => 4, 'hint' => $this->l('Forbidden characters:').' <>;=#{}' ), array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => $this->l('Meta description'), 'name' => 'meta_description', 'lang' => true, 'col' => 6, 'hint' => $this->l('Forbidden characters:').' <>;=#{}' ), array( 'type' => 'tags', 'label' => $this->l('Meta keywords'), 'name' => 'meta_keywords', 'lang' => true, 'col' => 6, 'hint' => array( $this->l('To add "tags" click in the field, write something and then press "Enter".'), $this->l('Forbidden characters:').' <>;=#{}' ) ), array( 'type' => 'switch', 'label' => $this->l('Enable'), 'name' => 'active', 'required' => false, 'class' => 't', 'is_bool' => true, 'values' => array( array( 'id' => 'active_on', 'value' => 1, 'label' => $this->l('Enabled') ), array( 'id' => 'active_off', 'value' => 0, 'label' => $this->l('Disabled') ) ) ) ), 'submit' => array( 'title' => $this->l('Save'), ) ); // loads current address for this supplier - if possible $address = null; if (isset($obj->id)) { $id_address = Address::getAddressIdBySupplierId($obj->id); if ($id_address > 0) $address = new Address((int)$id_address); } // force specific fields values (address) if ($address != null) { $this->fields_value = array( 'id_address' => $address->id, 'phone' => $address->phone, 'phone_mobile' => $address->phone_mobile, 'address' => $address->address1, 'address2' => $address->address2, 'postcode' => $address->postcode, 'city' => $address->city, 'id_country' => $address->id_country, 'id_state' => $address->id_state, ); } else $this->fields_value = array( 'id_address' => 0, 'id_country' => Configuration::get('PS_COUNTRY_DEFAULT') ); if (Shop::isFeatureActive()) { $this->fields_form['input'][] = array( 'type' => 'shop', 'label' => $this->l('Shop association'), 'name' => 'checkBoxShopAsso', ); } return parent::renderForm(); } /** * AdminController::initToolbar() override * @see AdminController::initToolbar() * */ public function initToolbar() { parent::initToolbar(); $this->addPageHeaderToolBarModulesListButton(); if (empty($this->display)) $this->toolbar_btn['import'] = array( 'href' => $this->context->link->getAdminLink('AdminImport', true).'&import_type=suppliers', 'desc' => $this->l('Import') ); } public function renderView() { $this->initTabModuleList(); $this->toolbar_title = $this->object->name; $products = $this->object->getProductsLite($this->context->language->id); $total_product = count($products); for ($i = 0; $i < $total_product; $i++) { $products[$i] = new Product($products[$i]['id_product'], false, $this->context->language->id); $products[$i]->loadStockData(); // Build attributes combinations $combinations = $products[$i]->getAttributeCombinations($this->context->language->id); foreach ($combinations as $k => $combination) { $comb_infos = Supplier::getProductInformationsBySupplier($this->object->id, $products[$i]->id, $combination['id_product_attribute']); $comb_array[$combination['id_product_attribute']]['product_supplier_reference'] = $comb_infos['product_supplier_reference']; $comb_array[$combination['id_product_attribute']]['product_supplier_price_te'] = Tools::displayPrice($comb_infos['product_supplier_price_te'], new Currency($comb_infos['id_currency'])); $comb_array[$combination['id_product_attribute']]['reference'] = $combination['reference']; $comb_array[$combination['id_product_attribute']]['ean13'] = $combination['ean13']; $comb_array[$combination['id_product_attribute']]['upc'] = $combination['upc']; $comb_array[$combination['id_product_attribute']]['quantity'] = $combination['quantity']; $comb_array[$combination['id_product_attribute']]['attributes'][] = array( $combination['group_name'], $combination['attribute_name'], $combination['id_attribute'] ); } if (isset($comb_array)) { foreach ($comb_array as $key => $product_attribute) { $list = ''; foreach ($product_attribute['attributes'] as $attribute) $list .= $attribute[0].' - '.$attribute[1].', '; $comb_array[$key]['attributes'] = rtrim($list, ', '); } isset($comb_array) ? $products[$i]->combination = $comb_array : ''; unset($comb_array); } else { $product_infos = Supplier::getProductInformationsBySupplier($this->object->id, $products[$i]->id, 0); $products[$i]->product_supplier_reference = $product_infos['product_supplier_reference']; $products[$i]->product_supplier_price_te = Tools::displayPrice($product_infos['product_supplier_price_te'], new Currency($product_infos['id_currency'])); } } $this->tpl_view_vars = array( 'supplier' => $this->object, 'products' => $products, 'stock_management' => Configuration::get('PS_STOCK_MANAGEMENT'), 'shopContext' => Shop::getContext(), ); return parent::renderView(); } protected function afterImageUpload() { $return = true; /* Generate image with differents size */ if (($id_supplier = (int)Tools::getValue('id_supplier')) && isset($_FILES) && count($_FILES) && file_exists(_PS_SUPP_IMG_DIR_.$id_supplier.'.jpg')) { $images_types = ImageType::getImagesTypes('suppliers'); foreach ($images_types as $k => $image_type) { $file = _PS_SUPP_IMG_DIR_.$id_supplier.'.jpg'; if (!ImageManager::resize($file, _PS_SUPP_IMG_DIR_.$id_supplier.'-'.stripslashes($image_type['name']).'.jpg', (int)$image_type['width'], (int)$image_type['height'])) $return = false; } $current_logo_file = _PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_.'supplier_mini_'.$id_supplier.'_'.$this->context->shop->id.'.jpg'; if (file_exists($current_logo_file)) unlink($current_logo_file); } return $return; } /** * AdminController::postProcess() override * @see AdminController::postProcess() */ public function postProcess() { // checks access if (Tools::isSubmit('submitAdd'.$this->table) && !($this->tabAccess['add'] === '1')) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('You do not have permission to add suppliers.'); return parent::postProcess(); } if (Tools::isSubmit('submitAdd'.$this->table)) { if (Tools::isSubmit('id_supplier') && !($obj = $this->loadObject(true))) return; // updates/creates address if it does not exist if (Tools::isSubmit('id_address') && (int)Tools::getValue('id_address') > 0) $address = new Address((int)Tools::getValue('id_address')); // updates address else $address = new Address(); // creates address $address->alias = Tools::getValue('name', null); $address->lastname = 'supplier'; // skip problem with numeric characters in supplier name $address->firstname = 'supplier'; // skip problem with numeric characters in supplier name $address->address1 = Tools::getValue('address', null); $address->address2 = Tools::getValue('address2', null); $address->postcode = Tools::getValue('postcode', null); $address->phone = Tools::getValue('phone', null); $address->phone_mobile = Tools::getValue('phone_mobile', null); $address->id_country = Tools::getValue('id_country', null); $address->id_state = Tools::getValue('id_state', null); $address->city = Tools::getValue('city', null); $validation = $address->validateController(); // checks address validity if (count($validation) > 0) { foreach ($validation as $item) $this->errors[] = $item; $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('The address is not correct. Please make sure all of the required fields are completed.'); } else { if (Tools::isSubmit('id_address') && Tools::getValue('id_address') > 0) $address->update(); else { $address->save(); $_POST['id_address'] = $address->id; } } return parent::postProcess(); } else if (Tools::isSubmit('delete'.$this->table)) { if (!($obj = $this->loadObject(true))) return; else if (SupplyOrder::supplierHasPendingOrders($obj->id)) $this->errors[] = $this->l('It is not possible to delete a supplier if there are pending supplier orders.'); else { //delete all product_supplier linked to this supplier Db::getInstance()->execute('DELETE FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_supplier` WHERE `id_supplier`='.(int)$obj->id); $id_address = Address::getAddressIdBySupplierId($obj->id); $address = new Address($id_address); if (Validate::isLoadedObject($address)) { $address->deleted = 1; $address->save(); } return parent::postProcess(); } } else return parent::postProcess(); } /** * @see AdminController::afterAdd() */ protected function afterAdd($object) { $id_address = (int)$_POST['id_address']; $address = new Address($id_address); if (Validate::isLoadedObject($address)) { $address->id_supplier = $object->id; $address->save(); } return true; } /** * @see AdminController::afterUpdate() */ protected function afterUpdate($object) { $id_address = (int)$_POST['id_address']; $address = new Address($id_address); if (Validate::isLoadedObject($address)) { if ($address->id_supplier != $object->id) { $address->id_supplier = $object->id; $address->save(); } } return true; } }
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