0byt3m1n1 - D7net
0byt3m1n1 - D7net
Name File: en-GB.plg_system_debug.ini
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; Joomla! Project ; Copyright (C) 2005 - 2013 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. ; License GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt, see LICENSE.php ; Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 - No BOM PLG_DEBUG_ERRORS="Errors" PLG_DEBUG_FIELD_ALLOWED_GROUPS_DESC="Optionally restrict users that can see debug information to those in the selected user groups. If none selected, all users see the debug information." PLG_DEBUG_FIELD_ALLOWED_GROUPS_LABEL="Allowed Groups" PLG_DEBUG_FIELD_LANGUAGE_ERRORFILES_DESC="Display a list of the language files that are in error according to the Joomla ini specification." PLG_DEBUG_FIELD_LANGUAGE_ERRORFILES_LABEL="Show errors when parsing language files" PLG_DEBUG_FIELD_LANGUAGE_FILES_DESC="Display a list of the language files that Joomla has tried to load." PLG_DEBUG_FIELD_LANGUAGE_FILES_LABEL="Show Language Files" PLG_DEBUG_FIELD_LANGUAGE_STRING_DESC="Display a list of the untranslated language strings." PLG_DEBUG_FIELD_LANGUAGE_STRING_LABEL="Show Language String" PLG_DEBUG_FIELD_LOG_DEPRECATED_DESC="If enabled, API marked as deprecated will be logged. Only use this setting for short periods of time for refactoring purposes." PLG_DEBUG_FIELD_LOG_DEPRECATED_LABEL="Log deprecated API" PLG_DEBUG_FIELD_MEMORY_DESC="Display the total memory usage." PLG_DEBUG_FIELD_MEMORY_LABEL="Show Memory Usage" PLG_DEBUG_FIELD_PROFILING_DESC="Display the profiling waypoints." PLG_DEBUG_FIELD_PROFILING_LABEL="Show Profiling" PLG_DEBUG_FIELD_QUERIES_DESC="Display a list the queries executed while displaying the page." PLG_DEBUG_FIELD_QUERIES_LABEL="Show Queries" PLG_DEBUG_FIELD_QUERY_TYPES_DESC="Display a list of unique query types and their number of occurrences for the current page. Useful for finding out about repeated queries that are either redundant or which can be grouped into a single, more efficient query." PLG_DEBUG_FIELD_QUERY_TYPES_LABEL="Show Query Types" PLG_DEBUG_FIELD_STRIP_FIRST_DESC="In multi-word strings, always strip the first word." PLG_DEBUG_FIELD_STRIP_FIRST_LABEL="Strip First Word" PLG_DEBUG_FIELD_STRIP_PREFIX_DESC="Strip words from the beginning of the string. For multiple words, use the format: (word1|word2)" PLG_DEBUG_FIELD_STRIP_PREFIX_LABEL="Strip From Start" PLG_DEBUG_FIELD_STRIP_SUFFIX_DESC="Strip words from the end of the string. For multiple words, use the format: (word1|word2)" PLG_DEBUG_FIELD_STRIP_SUFFIX_LABEL="Strip From End" PLG_DEBUG_LANG_LOADED="Loaded" PLG_DEBUG_LANG_NOT_LOADED="Not loaded" PLG_DEBUG_LANGUAGE_FIELDSET_LABEL="Language Options" PLG_DEBUG_LANGUAGE_FILES_IN_ERROR="Parsing errors in language files" PLG_DEBUG_LANGUAGE_FILES_LOADED="Language Files Loaded" PLG_DEBUG_LOGGING_FIELDSET_LABEL="Logging" PLG_DEBUG_MEMORY_USAGE="Memory Usage" PLG_DEBUG_OTHER_QUERIES="OTHER Tables:" PLG_DEBUG_PROFILE_INFORMATION="Profile Information" PLG_DEBUG_QUERIES="Database Queries" PLG_DEBUG_QUERIES_LOGGED="%d Queries Logged" PLG_DEBUG_QUERY_TYPES_LOGGED="%d Query Types Logged, Sorted by Occurrences." PLG_DEBUG_QUERY_TYPE_AND_OCCURRENCES="%2$d × %1$s" PLG_DEBUG_SELECT_QUERIES="SELECT Tables:" PLG_DEBUG_SESSION="Session" PLG_DEBUG_TITLE="Joomla! Debug Console" PLG_DEBUG_UNKNOWN_FILE="Unknown file" PLG_DEBUG_UNTRANSLATED_STRINGS="Untranslated Strings" PLG_DEBUG_XML_DESCRIPTION="This plugin provides a variety of system information as well as assistance for the creation of translation files." PLG_SYSTEM_DEBUG="System - Debug"
2018. | Recode by D7net