0byt3m1n1 - D7net
0byt3m1n1 - D7net
Name File: form.js
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/* * 2007-2013 PrestaShop * * NOTICE OF LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0) * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to license@prestashop.com so we can send you a copy immediately. * * DISCLAIMER * * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer * versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your * needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information. * * @author PrestaShop SA <contact@prestashop.com> * @copyright 2007-2013 PrestaShop SA * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA */ function addProductRuleGroup() { $('#product_rule_group_table').show(); product_rule_groups_counter += 1; product_rule_counters[product_rule_groups_counter] = 0; $.get( 'ajax-tab.php', {controller:'AdminCartRules',token:currentToken,newProductRuleGroup:1,product_rule_group_id:product_rule_groups_counter}, function(content) { if (content != "") $('#product_rule_group_table').append(content); } ); } function removeProductRuleGroup(id) { $('#product_rule_group_' + id + '_tr').remove(); } function addProductRule(product_rule_group_id) { product_rule_counters[product_rule_group_id] += 1; if ($('#product_rule_type_' + product_rule_group_id).val() != 0) $.get( 'ajax-tab.php', {controller:'AdminCartRules',token:currentToken,newProductRule:1,product_rule_type:$('#product_rule_type_' + product_rule_group_id).val(),product_rule_group_id:product_rule_group_id,product_rule_id:product_rule_counters[product_rule_group_id]}, function(content) { if (content != "") $('#product_rule_table_' + product_rule_group_id).append(content); } ); } function removeProductRule(product_rule_group_id, product_rule_id) { $('#product_rule_' + product_rule_group_id + '_' + product_rule_id + '_tr').remove(); } function toggleCartRuleFilter(id) { if ($(id).prop('checked')) $('#' + $(id).attr('id') + '_div').show(400); else $('#' + $(id).attr('id') + '_div').hide(200); } function removeCartRuleOption(item) { var id = $(item).attr('id').replace('_remove', ''); $('#' + id + '_2 option:selected').remove().appendTo('#' + id + '_1'); } function addCartRuleOption(item) { var id = $(item).attr('id').replace('_add', ''); $('#' + id + '_1 option:selected').remove().appendTo('#' + id + '_2'); } function updateProductRuleShortDescription(item) { /******* For IE: put a product in condition on cart rules *******/ if(typeof String.prototype.trim !== 'function') { String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); } } var id1 = $(item).attr('id').replace('_add', '').replace('_remove', ''); var id2 = id1.replace('_select', ''); var length = $('#' + id1 + '_2 option').length; if (length == 1) $('#' + id2 + '_match').val($('#' + id1 + '_2 option').first().text().trim()); else $('#' + id2 + '_match').val(length); } var restrictions = new Array('country', 'carrier', 'group', 'cart_rule', 'shop'); for (i in restrictions) { toggleCartRuleFilter($('#' + restrictions[i] + '_restriction')); $('#' + restrictions[i] + '_restriction').click(function() {toggleCartRuleFilter(this);}); $('#' + restrictions[i] + '_select_remove').click(function() {removeCartRuleOption(this);}); $('#' + restrictions[i] + '_select_add').click(function() {addCartRuleOption(this);}); } toggleCartRuleFilter($('#product_restriction')); $('#product_restriction').click(function() {toggleCartRuleFilter(this);}); function toggleApplyDiscount(percent, amount, apply_to) { if (percent) { $('#apply_discount_percent_div').show(400); if ($('#apply_discount_to_product').prop('checked')) toggleApplyDiscountTo(); $('#apply_discount_to_cheapest').show(); $('*[for=apply_discount_to_cheapest]').show(); $('#apply_discount_to_selection').show(); $('*[for=apply_discount_to_selection]').show(); } else { $('#apply_discount_percent_div').hide(200); $('#reduction_percent').val('0'); } if (amount) { $('#apply_discount_amount_div').show(400); if ($('#apply_discount_to_product').prop('checked')) toggleApplyDiscountTo(); $('#apply_discount_to_cheapest').hide(); $('*[for=apply_discount_to_cheapest]').hide(); $('#apply_discount_to_cheapest').removeAttr('checked'); $('#apply_discount_to_selection').hide(); $('*[for=apply_discount_to_selection]').hide(); $('#apply_discount_to_selection').removeAttr('checked'); } else { $('#apply_discount_amount_div').hide(200); $('#reduction_amount').val('0'); } if (apply_to) $('#apply_discount_to_div').show(400); else { toggleApplyDiscountTo(); $('#apply_discount_to_div').hide(200); } } function toggleApplyDiscountTo() { if ($('#apply_discount_to_product').prop('checked')) $('#apply_discount_to_product_div').show(400); else { $('#apply_discount_to_product_div').hide(200); $('#reductionProductFilter').val(''); if ($('#apply_discount_to_order').prop('checked')) $('#reduction_product').val('0'); if ($('#apply_discount_to_cheapest').prop('checked')) $('#reduction_product').val('-1'); if ($('#apply_discount_to_selection').prop('checked')) $('#reduction_product').val('-2'); } } function toggleGiftProduct() { if ($('#free_gift_on').prop('checked')) $('#free_gift_div').show(400); else { $('#gift_product').val('0'); $('#giftProductFilter').val(''); $('#free_gift_div').hide(200); } } $('#apply_discount_percent').click(function() {toggleApplyDiscount(true, false, true);}); if ($('#apply_discount_percent').prop('checked')) toggleApplyDiscount(true, false, true); $('#apply_discount_amount').click(function() {toggleApplyDiscount(false, true, true);}); if ($('#apply_discount_amount').prop('checked')) toggleApplyDiscount(false, true, true); $('#apply_discount_off').click(function() {toggleApplyDiscount(false, false, false);}); if ($('#apply_discount_off').prop('checked')) toggleApplyDiscount(false, false, false); $('#apply_discount_to_order').click(function() {toggleApplyDiscountTo();}); if ($('#apply_discount_to_order').prop('checked')) toggleApplyDiscountTo(); $('#apply_discount_to_product').click(function() {toggleApplyDiscountTo();}); if ($('#apply_discount_to_product').prop('checked')) toggleApplyDiscountTo(); $('#apply_discount_to_cheapest').click(function() {toggleApplyDiscountTo();}); if ($('#apply_discount_to_cheapest').prop('checked')) toggleApplyDiscountTo(); $('#apply_discount_to_selection').click(function() {toggleApplyDiscountTo();}); if ($('#apply_discount_to_selection').prop('checked')) toggleApplyDiscountTo(); $('#free_gift_on').click(function() {toggleGiftProduct();}); $('#free_gift_off').click(function() {toggleGiftProduct();}); toggleGiftProduct(); // Main form submit $('#cart_rule_form').submit(function() { if ($('#customerFilter').val() == '') $('#id_customer').val('0'); for (i in restrictions) { if ($('#' + restrictions[i] + '_select_1 option').length == 0) $('#' + restrictions[i] + '_restriction').removeAttr('checked'); else { $('#' + restrictions[i] + '_select_2 option').each(function(i) { $(this).attr('selected', true); }); } } $('.product_rule_toselect option').each(function(i) { $(this).attr('selected', true); }); }); $('#reductionProductFilter') .autocomplete( 'ajax-tab.php', { minChars: 2, max: 50, width: 500, selectFirst: false, scroll: false, dataType: 'json', formatItem: function(data, i, max, value, term) { return value; }, parse: function(data) { var mytab = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) mytab[mytab.length] = { data: data[i], value: (data[i].reference + ' ' + data[i].name).trim() }; return mytab; }, extraParams: { controller: 'AdminCartRules', token: currentToken, reductionProductFilter: 1 } } ) .result(function(event, data, formatted) { $('#reduction_product').val(data.id_product); $('#reductionProductFilter').val((data.reference + ' ' + data.name).trim()); }); $('#customerFilter') .autocomplete( 'ajax-tab.php', { minChars: 2, max: 50, width: 500, selectFirst: false, scroll: false, dataType: 'json', formatItem: function(data, i, max, value, term) { return value; }, parse: function(data) { var mytab = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) mytab[mytab.length] = { data: data[i], value: data[i].cname + ' (' + data[i].email + ')' }; return mytab; }, extraParams: { controller: 'AdminCartRules', token: currentToken, customerFilter: 1 } } ) .result(function(event, data, formatted) { $('#id_customer').val(data.id_customer); $('#customerFilter').val(data.cname + ' (' + data.email + ')'); }); function displayCartRuleTab(tab) { $('.cart_rule_tab').hide(); $('.tab-page').removeClass('selected'); $('#cart_rule_' + tab).show(); $('#cart_rule_link_' + tab).addClass('selected'); $('#currentFormTab').val(tab); } $('.cart_rule_tab').hide(); $('.tab-page').removeClass('selected'); $('#cart_rule_' + currentFormTab).show(); $('#cart_rule_link_' + currentFormTab).addClass('selected'); var date = new Date(); var hours = date.getHours(); if (hours < 10) hours = "0" + hours; var mins = date.getMinutes(); if (mins < 10) mins = "0" + mins; var secs = date.getSeconds(); if (secs < 10) secs = "0" + secs; $('.datepicker').datepicker({ prevText: '', nextText: '', dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd ' + hours + ':' + mins + ':' + secs }); $('#giftProductFilter').typeWatch({ captureLength: 2, highlight: false, wait: 100, callback: function(){ searchProducts(); } }); var gift_product_search = $('#giftProductFilter').val(); function searchProducts() { if ($('#giftProductFilter').val() == gift_product_search) return; gift_product_search = $('#giftProductFilter').val(); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" }, url: 'ajax-tab.php' + '?rand=' + new Date().getTime(), async: true, dataType: 'json', data: { controller: 'AdminCartRules', token: currentToken, action: 'searchProducts', product_search: $('#giftProductFilter').val() }, success : function(res) { var products_found = ''; var attributes_html = ''; stock = {}; if (res.found) { $('#gift_products_err').hide(); $('#gift_products_found').show(); $.each(res.products, function() { products_found += '<option value="' + this.id_product + '">' + this.name + (this.combinations.length == 0 ? ' - ' + this.formatted_price : '') + '</option>'; attributes_html += '<select class="id_product_attribute" id="ipa_' + this.id_product + '" name="ipa_' + this.id_product + '" style="display:none">'; $.each(this.combinations, function() { attributes_html += '<option ' + (this.default_on == 1 ? 'selected="selected"' : '') + ' value="' + this.id_product_attribute + '">' + this.attributes + ' - ' + this.formatted_price + '</option>'; }); attributes_html += '</select>'; }); $('#gift_product_list #gift_product').html(products_found); $('#gift_attributes_list #gift_attributes_list_select').html(attributes_html); displayProductAttributes(); } else { $('#products_found').hide(); $('#products_err').html(res.notfound); $('#products_err').show(); } } }); } function displayProductAttributes() { if ($('#ipa_' + $('#gift_product option:selected').val() + ' option').length === 0) $('#gift_attributes_list').hide(); else { $('#gift_attributes_list').show(); $('.id_product_attribute').hide(); $('#ipa_' + $('#gift_product option:selected').val()).show(); } }
2018. | Recode by D7net