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0byt3m1n1 - D7net
Name File: errors.php
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<?php /* $Id: $ osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions http://www.oscommerce.com Copyright (c) 2009 osCommerce Released under the GNU General Public License */ $errors = array('400' => 'The syntax of the request was not understood by the server.', '401' => 'The request needs user authentication.', '403' => 'The server has refused to fulfill the request.', '404' => 'The document/file requested by the client was not found.', '405' => 'The method specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for the specified resource.', '408' => 'The client failed to send a request in the time allowed by the server.', '414' => 'The request was unsuccessful because the URI specified is longer than the server is willing to process.', '500' => 'The request was unsuccessful due to an unexpected condition encountered by the server.', '501' => 'The request was unsuccessful because the server can not support the functionality needed to fulfill the request.', '503' => 'The request was unsuccessful to the server being down or overloaded.', '2000' => 'The Authorisation was Declined by the bank.', '2001' => 'The Authorisation was Rejected by the vendor rule-base.', '2002' => 'The Authorisation timed out.', '2003' => 'An ERROR has occurred on the Protx System.', '2008' => 'The Transaction timed-out.', '2009' => 'The network connection to the bank is currently unavailable.', '2015' => 'The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.', '3002' => 'The VPSTxId is invalid.', '3003' => 'The Currency is invalid.', '3004' => 'The Amount is invalid.', '3005' => 'The Amount is outside the mininum and maximum limits.', '3006' => 'The fractional part of the Amount is invalid for the specified currency.', '3007' => 'The RelatedSecurityKey format invalid.', '3008' => 'The Vendor or Vendorname format is invalid.', '3009' => 'The VendorTxCode is missing.', '3010' => 'The RelatedVPSTxId is invalid.', '3011' => 'The NotificationURL format is invalid.', '3012' => 'The RelatedVendorTxCode format invalid.', '3013' => 'The Description is missing.', '3014' => 'The TxType or PaymentType is invalid.', '3015' => 'The BillingAddress value is too long.', '3016' => 'The BillingPostCode value is too long.', '3017' => 'The RelatedTxAuthNo format is invalid.', '3018' => 'The GiftAid flag is invalid. If a value is supplied, should contain either 0 or 1.', '3019' => 'The ApplyAVSCV2 flag is invalid. The value, if supplied, should contain either 0, 1, 2 or 3.', '3020' => 'The Apply3DSecure flag is invalid. The value, if supplied, should contain either 0, 1, 2 or 3.', '3021' => 'The Basket format is invalid.', '3022' => 'The CustomerEMail is too long.', '3023' => 'The ContactFax is too long.', '3024' => 'The ContactNumber is too long.', '3025' => 'The DeliveryPostCode is too long.', '3026' => 'The DeliveryAddress is too long.', '3027' => 'The BillingPostCode is too long.', '3028' => 'The BillingAddress is too long.', '3029' => 'The FailureURL is missing.', '3030' => 'The SuccessURL is missing.', '3031' => 'The Amount value is required.', '3032' => 'The Amount format is invalid.', '3033' => 'The RelatedSecurityKey is required.', '3034' => 'The Vendor or VendorName value is required.', '3035' => 'The VendorTxCode format is invalid.', '3036' => 'The Description format is invalid.', '3037' => 'The NotificationURL is too long.', '3038' => 'The RelatedVendorTxCode is required.', '3039' => 'The TxType or PaymentType is missing.', '3040' => 'The RelatedTxAuth number is required.', '3041' => 'The Basket field is too long.', '3042' => 'The CustomerName field is too long.', '3043' => 'The eMailMessage field is too long.', '3044' => 'The VendorEMail is too long.', '3045' => 'The Currency field is missing.', '3046' => 'The VPSTxId field is missing.', '3047' => 'Invalid VPSTxId format.', '3048' => 'The CardNumber length is invalid.', '3049' => 'The StartDate format is invalid.', '3050' => 'The ExpiryDate format is invalid.', '3051' => 'The CardNumber field is required.', '3052' => 'The ExpiryDate field is required.', '3053' => 'The IssueNumber format is invalid.', '3054' => 'The CardType length is invalid.', '3055' => 'The CardType field is required.', '3056' => 'Invalid Amount field format. The Amount value contains a decimal point.', '3057' => 'The CV2 format is invalid.', '3058' => 'The CardHolder field is required.', '3059' => 'The CardHolder value is too long.', '3060' => 'The GiftAid format is invalid.', '3061' => 'The AuthCode format invalid.', '3062' => 'The CardNumber field should only contain numbers. No spaces, hyphens or other characters or separators.', '3063' => 'The 3DStatus value is too long.', '3064' => 'The ECI format is invalid.', '3065' => 'The XID format is invalid.', '3066' => 'The CAVV format is invalid.', '3067' => 'The ClientIPAddress is too long.', '3068' => 'The PaymentSystem invalid.', '3069' => 'The PaymentSystem is not supported on the account.', '3070' => 'The RelatedVPSTxId is required.', '3071' => 'The RelatedVPSTxId format is invalid.', '3072' => 'The TxAuthNo field is missing.', '3073' => 'The TxAuthNo format is invalid.', '3074' => 'The SecurityKey is missing.', '3075' => 'The SecurityKey format is invalid.', '3076' => 'The NotificationURL is required.', '3077' => 'The CustomerName is required.', '3078' => 'The CustomerEMail format is invalid.', '3079' => 'The ClientIPAddress format is invalid. Should not include leading zero\'s, and only include values in the range of 0 to 255.', '3080' => 'The VendorTxCode value is too long.', '3081' => 'The RelatedVendorTxCode value is too long.', '3082' => 'The Description value is too long.', '3083' => 'The RelatedTxAuthNo value is too long.', '3084' => 'The FailureURL value is too long.', '3085' => 'The FailureURL format is invalid.', '3086' => 'The SuccessURL value is too long.', '3087' => 'The SuccessURL format is invalid.', '3088' => 'The VendorEMail format is invalid.', '3089' => 'The BillingAddress is required.', '3090' => 'The BillingPostCode is required.', '3091' => 'The BillingAddress and BillingPostCode are required.', '3092' => 'The DeliveryAddress and DeliveryPostcode are required.', '3093' => 'The DeliveryAddress is required.', '3094' => 'The DeliveryPostcode is required.', '3095' => 'The VPSProtocol value is invalid.', '3096' => 'The VPSProtocol value is required.', '3097' => 'The VPSProtocol value is outside the valid range. Should be between 2.00 and 2.22.', '3098' => 'The VPSProtocol value is not supported by the system in use.', '3099' => 'The AccountType is not setup on this account.', '3100' => 'The AccountType value is invalid.', '3101' => 'The PaymentSystem does not support direct refund.', '3102' => 'The ReleaseAmount invalid.', '4000' => 'The VendorName is invalid or the account is not active.', '4001' => 'The VendorTxCode has been used before. All VendorTxCodes should be unique.', '4002' => 'An active transaction with this VendorTxCode has been found but the Amount is different.', '4003' => 'An active transaction with this VendorTxCode has been found but the Currency is different.', '4004' => 'An active transaction with this VendorTxCode has been found but the TxType is different.', '4005' => 'An active transaction with this VendorTxCode has been found but the some data fields are different.', '4006' => 'The TxType requested is not supported on this account.', '4007' => 'The TxType requested is not active on this account.', '4008' => 'The Currency is not supported on this account.', '4009' => 'The Amount is outside the allowed range.', '4020' => 'Information received from an Invalid IP address.', '4021' => 'The Card Range not supported by the system.', '4022' => 'The Card Type selected does not match card number.', '4023' => 'The Card Issue Number length is invalid.', '4024' => 'The Card Issue Number is required.', '4025' => 'The Card Issue Number is invalid.', '4026' => '3D-Authentication failed. This vendor\'s rules require a successful 3D-Authentication.', '4027' => '3D-Authentication failed. Cannot authorise this card.', '4028' => 'The RelatedVPSTxId cannot be found.', '4029' => 'The RelatedVendorTxCode does not match the original transaction.', '4030' => 'The RelatedTxAuthNo does not match the original transaction.', '4031' => 'The RelatedSecurityKey does not match the original transaction.', '4032' => 'The original transaction was carried out by a different Vendor.', '4033' => 'The Currency does not match the original transaction.', '4034' => 'The Transaction has already been Refunded.', '4035' => 'This Refund would exceed the amount of the original transaction.', '4036' => 'The Transaction has already been Voided.', '4037' => 'The Related transaction is not a DEFFERED payment.', '4038' => 'The Transaction has already been Released.', '4039' => 'The Tranaction is not in a DEFERRED state.', '4040' => 'The Transaction has been Aborted.', '4041' => 'The Transaction type does not support the requested operation.', '4042' => 'The VendorTxCode has been used before for another transaction. All VendorTxCodes must be unique.', '4043' => 'The Vendor Rule Bases disallow this card range.', '4044' => 'This Authorise would exceed 115% of the value of the original transaction.', '4045' => 'The Related transaction is not an AUTHENTICATE.', '4046' => '3D-Authentication required. Cannot authorise this card.', '4047' => 'The vendor account is closed.', '4048' => 'The Card Number length is invalid.', '4049' => 'The ReleaseAmount larger the original amount.', '5001' => 'The required service is not available or invalid.', '5002' => 'Invalid request.', '5003' => 'Internal server error.', '5004' => 'The Transaction state is invalid.', '5005' => 'The Vendor configuration is missing or invalid.', '5006' => 'Unable to redirect to Vendor\'s web site. The Vendor failed to provide a RedirectionURL.', '5007' => 'Invalid request. A required parameter is missing.', '5008' => 'Missing Custom vendor template.', '5009' => 'The Encryption password is missing.', '5010' => 'The CardNumber is required.', '5011' => 'The check digit invalid. Card failed the LUHN check. Check the card number and resubmit.', '5012' => 'The CardHolder name is required.', '5013' => 'The card has expired.', '5014' => 'The card expiry date is required.', '5015' => 'Card validation failure.', '5016' => 'The StartDate is in the future. The card is not yet valid.', '5017' => 'The Security Code is required.', '5018' => 'The Security Code length is invalid.', '5019' => 'The Security Code is not a number.', '5020' => 'The Card Address is required.', '5021' => 'The Card Address is too long.', '5022' => 'The Post Code value is required.', '5023' => 'The Post Code value is too long.', '5024' => 'The CardHolder value is too long.', '5025' => 'The number of authorisation attempts exceeds the limit.', '5026' => 'The Card Number is not numeric.', '5027' => 'The Card Start Date is invalid.', '5028' => 'The Card Expiry Date is invalid.', '5029' => '3D-Authentication failed. This vendor\'s rules require a successful 3D-Authentication.', '5030' => 'Unable to decrypt the request message. This might be caused by an incorrect password or invalid encoding.', '5994' => 'The Authorisation process failed, due to an internal server error.', '5995' => 'The AVS/CV2 checks failed.', '5996' => 'The Authorisation process timed-out. The bank did not respond within an acceptable time limit.', '5997' => 'A communication related error occured.', '5998' => 'Duplicate vendor notification attempt.', '5999' => 'The Session is invalid or has expired.', '6000' => 'Data Access Error.'); ?>
2018. | Recode by D7net