0byt3m1n1 - D7net
0byt3m1n1 - D7net
Name File: spiffyCal_v2_1.js
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/* * Bazillyo's Spiffy DHTML Popup Calendar Control - version 2.1 * ©2001 S. Ousta * see the included readme.htm file for license information and release notes. * * For more information see: * http://www.geocities.com/bazillyo/spiffy/calendar/index.htm or * http://groups.yahoo.com/group/spiffyDHTML or * email me: bazillyo@yahoo.com * */ // GLOBAL variables var scImgPath = './includes/javascript/spiffyCal/images/'; var scIE=((navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") || ((navigator.appName == "Netscape") && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion)==5))); var scNN6=((navigator.appName == "Netscape") && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion)==5)); var scNN=((navigator.appName == "Netscape")&&(document.layers)); var img_Del=new Image(); var img_Close=new Image(); img_Del.src= scImgPath +"btn_del_small.gif"; img_Close.src= scImgPath +"btn_close_small.gif"; var scBTNMODE_DEFAULT=0; var scBTNMODE_CUSTOMBLUE=1; var scBTNMODE_CALBTN=2; var focusHack; /*================================================================================ * Calendar Manager Object * * the functions: * isDate(), formatDate(), _isInteger(), _getInt(), and getDateFromFormat() * are based on ones courtesy of Matt Kruse (mkruse@netexpress.net) http://www.mattkruse.com/javascript/ * with some modifications by myself and Michael Brydon * */ function spiffyCalManager() { this.showHelpAlerts = false; this.defaultDateFormat='dd-MMM-yyyy'; this.lastSelectedDate=new Date(); this.calendars=new Array(); this.matchedFormat=""; this.DefBtnImgPath=scImgPath; //'./js/common/calendar/'; // methods ---------------------------------------------------------------------- this.getCount= new Function("return this.calendars.length;"); function addCalendar(objWhatCal) { var intIndex = this.calendars.length; this.calendars[intIndex] = objWhatCal; } this.addCalendar=addCalendar; function hideAllCalendars(objExceptThisOne) { var i=0; for (i=0;i<this.calendars.length;i++) { if (objExceptThisOne!=this.calendars[i]) { this.calendars[i].hide(); } } } this.hideAllCalendars=hideAllCalendars; function swapImg(objWhatCal, strToWhat, blnStick) { if (document.images) { // this makes it so that the button sticks down when the cal is visible if ((!(objWhatCal.visible) || (blnStick))&& (objWhatCal.enabled)) { document.images[objWhatCal.btnName].src = eval(objWhatCal.varName+strToWhat + ".src"); } } window.status=' '; // return true; } this.swapImg=swapImg; // *** HOLIDAYS *************************** this.Holidays = new Array("Dec-25","Jul-4", "Feb-14","Mar-17","Oct-31"); this.HolidaysDesc = new Array("Christmas Day","Independance Day","Valentine's Day","St. Patrick's Day","Halloween"); //***************************************** function isHoliday(whatDate) { var i=0;var found=-1; for (i=0;i<this.Holidays.length;i++) { if (whatDate==this.Holidays[i]) { found=i; break; } } return found; } this.isHoliday=isHoliday; this.AllowedFormats = new Array( // Days first list 'd.M', 'd-M', 'd/M', 'd.MMM', 'd-MMM', 'd/MMM', 'd.M.yy', 'd-M-yy', 'd/M/yy', 'd.M.yyyy', 'd-M-yyyy', 'd/M/yyyy', 'd.MM.yyyy', 'd-MM-yyyy', 'd/MM/yyyy', 'd.MMM.yy', 'd-MMM-yy', 'd/MMM/yy', 'd.MMM.yyyy', 'd-MMM-yyyy', 'd/MMM/yyyy', 'd.MM.yy', 'd-MM-yy', 'd/MM/yy', 'dd.MM.yy', 'dd-MM-yy', 'dd/MM/yy', 'dd.M.yy', 'dd-M-yy', 'dd/M/yy', 'dd.MM.yyyy', 'dd-MM-yyyy', 'dd/MM/yyyy', 'dd.MMM.yy', 'dd-MMM-yy', 'dd/MMM/yy', 'dd.MMM.yyyy', 'dd-MMM-yyyy', 'dd/MMM/yyyy', 'M.d', 'M-d', 'M/d', // Months first list 'MMM.d', 'MMM-d', 'MMM/d', 'M.d.yy', 'M-d-yy', 'M/d/yy', 'MM.d.yyyy', 'MM-d-yyyy', 'MM/d/yyyy', 'MMM.d.yy', 'MMM-d-yy', 'MMM/d/yy', 'MMM.d.yyyy', 'MMM-d-yyyy', 'MMM/d/yyyy', 'MM.d.yy', 'MM-d-yy', 'MM/d/yy', 'MM.dd.yy', 'MM-dd-yy', 'MM/dd/yy', 'M.dd.yy', 'M-dd-yy', 'M/dd/yy', 'MM.dd.yyyy', 'MM-dd-yyyy', 'MM/dd/yyyy', 'MMM.dd.yy', 'MMM-dd-yy', 'MMM/dd/yy', 'MMM.dd.yyyy', 'MMM-dd-yyyy', 'MMM/dd/yyyy' ); var MONTH_NAMES = new Array('January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December','Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'); this.lastBoxValidated=null; function validateDate(eInput, bRequired, dStartDate, dEndDate){ var i = 0; var strTemp=''; var formatMatchCount=0; var firstMatchAt=0;var secondMatchAt=0; var bOK = false; var bIsEmpty=false; var strStart=MONTH_NAMES[dStartDate.getMonth()]+'-'+dStartDate.getDate()+'-'+dStartDate.getFullYear(); var strEnd=MONTH_NAMES[dEndDate.getMonth()]+'-'+dEndDate.getDate()+'-'+dEndDate.getFullYear(); var rangeMsg = 'This input box is set up to accept dates between:\n\n '+ strStart+'\n\nand\n\n '+strEnd+'\n\nPlease enter a date no '; this.lastBoxValidated=eInput; this.matchedFormat=""; bIsEmpty=(eInput.value=='' || eInput.value==null); if (!(bRequired && bIsEmpty)) { for(i=0;i<this.AllowedFormats.length;i++){ //alert('checking=eInput.value='+eInput.value+' this.AllowedFormats[i]='+this.AllowedFormats[i]+'\nisDate='+isDate(eInput.value, this.AllowedFormats[i])); if (isDate(eInput.value, this.AllowedFormats[i])==true){ bOK = true; formatMatchCount+=1; if (formatMatchCount==1) {firstMatchAt=i;} if (formatMatchCount>1) { if (this.AllowedFormats[i].substr(0,1)!=this.AllowedFormats[firstMatchAt].substr(0,1)) { secondMatchAt=i; break; } else { // don't count same format with padded zeros as a different format formatMatchCount=1; } } } } } alert('formatMatchCount='+formatMatchCount); if (formatMatchCount>1) { if (this.showHelpAlerts) { var date1=getDateFromFormat(eInput.value,this.AllowedFormats[firstMatchAt]); var choice1 = MONTH_NAMES[date1.getMonth()]+'-'+date1.getDate()+'-'+date1.getFullYear(); var date2=getDateFromFormat(eInput.value,this.AllowedFormats[secondMatchAt]); var choice2 = MONTH_NAMES[date2.getMonth()]+'-'+date2.getDate()+'-'+date2.getFullYear(); if (date1.getTime()!=date2.getTime()) { var Msg='You have entered an ambiguous date.\n\n Click OK for:\n'+ choice1 +'\n\nor Click Cancel for:\n'+choice2; if (confirm(Msg)) { bOK=true; } else { firstMatchAt=secondMatchAt; bOK=true; //return false; } eInput.focus(); eInput.select(); } } else { // continue and take first match in list bOK=true; } } alert('TEST '+dThis.getDate()+"-"+dThis.getMonth()); if (bOK==true) { eInput.className = "cal-TextBox"; //Check for Start/End Dates if (dStartDate!=null) { var dThis = getDateFromFormat(eInput.value,this.AllowedFormats[i]); if (dStartDate>dThis){ eInput.className = "cal-TextBoxInvalid"; if (this.showHelpAlerts) { alert(rangeMsg + 'earlier than '+ strStart + '.');} eInput.focus(); eInput.select(); return false; } } if (dEndDate!=null) { var dThis = getDateFromFormat(eInput.value,this.AllowedFormats[i]); if (dEndDate<dThis) { eInput.className = "cal-TextBoxInvalid"; if (this.showHelpAlerts) { alert(rangeMsg +'later than '+ strEnd + '.');} eInput.focus(); eInput.select(); return false; } } this.matchedFormat=this.AllowedFormats[firstMatchAt]; this.lastBoxValidated = null; } else { if (bRequired && bIsEmpty) { eInput.className = "cal-TextBoxInvalid"; if (this.showHelpAlerts) { alert('This date field is required.\n\nPlease enter a valid date before proceeding.'); } } else { if (!bRequired && bIsEmpty) { eInput.className = "cal-TextBox"; } else { eInput.className = "cal-TextBoxInvalid"; if (this.showHelpAlerts) { for(i=0;i<this.AllowedFormats.length;i++){ strTemp+=this.AllowedFormats[i]+'\t'; } alert('Please enter a valid date.\n\nExample 01-Jan-2002\n\nValid formats are:\n\n'+strTemp); } } } eInput.focus(); eInput.select(); focusHack=eInput; setTimeout('focusHack.focus();focusHack.select();'); return false; } } this.validateDate=validateDate; function formatDate(eInput, strFormat) { //Always called directly following validateDate - put validate in onchange and format in onblur. if(this.matchedFormat!="") { var d = getDateFromFormat(eInput.value,this.matchedFormat); if(d!=0){ eInput.value = scFormatDate(d, strFormat); } } } this.formatDate=formatDate; function isDate(val,format) { var date = getDateFromFormat(val,format); if (date == 0) { return false; } return true; } this.isDate=isDate; function scFormatDate(date,format) { format = format+""; var result = ""; var i_format = 0; var c = ""; var token = ""; var y = date.getFullYear()+""; var M = date.getMonth()+1; var d = date.getDate(); var h = date.getHours(); var m = date.getMinutes(); var s = date.getSeconds(); var yyyy,yy,MMM,MM,dd; // Convert real date parts into formatted versions // Year if (y.length < 4) { y = y-0+1900; } y = ""+y; yyyy = y; yy = y.substring(2,4); // Month if (M < 10) { MM = "0"+M; } else { MM = M; } MMM = MONTH_NAMES[M-1+12]; // Date if (d < 10) { dd = "0"+d; } else { dd = d; } // Now put them all into an object! var value = new Object(); value["yyyy"] = yyyy; value["yy"] = yy; value["y"] = y; value["MMM"] = MMM; value["MM"] = MM; value["M"] = M; value["dd"] = dd; value["d"] = d; while (i_format < format.length) { // Get next token from format string c = format.charAt(i_format); token = ""; while ((format.charAt(i_format) == c) && (i_format < format.length)) { token += format.charAt(i_format); i_format++; } if (value[token] != null) { result = result + value[token]; } else { result = result + token; } } return result; } this.scFormatDate=scFormatDate; function _isInteger(val) { var digits = "1234567890"; for (var i=0; i < val.length; i++) { if (digits.indexOf(val.charAt(i)) == -1) { return false; } } return true; } function _getInt(str,i,minlength,maxlength) { for (x=maxlength; x>=minlength; x--) { var token = str.substring(i,i+x); if (_isInteger(token)) { return token; } } return null; } function getDateFromFormat(val,format) { val = val+""; format = format+""; var i_val = 0; var i_format = 0; var c = ""; var token = ""; var token2= ""; var x,y; var year = 0; var month = 0; var date = 0; var bYearProvided = false; while (i_format < format.length) { // Get next token from format string c = format.charAt(i_format); token = ""; while ((format.charAt(i_format) == c) && (i_format < format.length)) { token += format.charAt(i_format); i_format++; } // Extract contents of value based on format token if (token=="yyyy" || token=="yy" || token=="y") { if (token=="yyyy") { x=4;y=4; }// 4-digit year if (token=="yy") { x=2;y=2; }// 2-digit year if (token=="y") { x=2;y=4; }// 2-or-4-digit year year = _getInt(val,i_val,x,y); bYearProvided = true; if (year == null) { return 0; //Default to current year } if (year.length != token.length){ return 0; } i_val += year.length; } else if (token=="MMM") { // Month name month = 0; for (var i=0; i<MONTH_NAMES.length; i++) { var month_name = MONTH_NAMES[i]; if (val.substring(i_val,i_val+month_name.length).toLowerCase() == month_name.toLowerCase()) { month = i+1; if (month>12) { month -= 12; } i_val += month_name.length; break; } } if (month == 0) { return 0; } if ((month < 1) || (month>12)) { return 0 } } else if (token=="MM" || token=="M") { x=token.length; y=2; month = _getInt(val,i_val,x,y); if (month == null) { return 0; } if ((month < 1) || (month > 12)) { return 0; } i_val += month.length; } else if (token=="dd" || token=="d") { x=token.length; y=2; date = _getInt(val,i_val,x,y); if (date == null) { return 0; } if ((date < 1) || (date>31)) { return 0; } i_val += date.length; } else { if (val.substring(i_val,i_val+token.length) != token) { return 0; } else { i_val += token.length; } } } // If there are any trailing characters left in the value, it doesn't match if (i_val != val.length) { return 0; } // Is date valid for month? if (month == 2) { // Check for leap year if ( ( (year%4 == 0)&&(year%100 != 0) ) || (year%400 == 0) ) { // leap year if (date > 29){ return false; } } else { if (date > 28) { return false; } } } if ((month==4)||(month==6)||(month==9)||(month==11)) { if (date > 30) { return false; } } //JS dates uses 0 based months. month = month - 1; if (bYearProvided==false) { //Default to current var dCurrent = new Date(); year = dCurrent.getFullYear(); } var lYear = parseInt(year); if (lYear<=20) { year = 2000 + lYear; } else if (lYear >=21 && lYear<=99) { year = 1900 + lYear; } var newdate = new Date(year,month,date,0,0,0); return newdate; } this.getDateFromFormat=getDateFromFormat; } var calMgr = new spiffyCalManager(); //================================================================================ // Calendar Object function ctlSpiffyCalendarBox(strVarName, strFormName, strTextBoxName, strBtnName, strDefaultValue, intBtnMode) { var msNames = new makeArray0('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'); var msDays = new makeArray0(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31); var msDOW = new makeArray0('S','M','T','W','T','F','S'); var blnInConstructor=true; var img_DateBtn_UP=new Image(); var img_DateBtn_OVER=new Image(); var img_DateBtn_DOWN=new Image(); var img_DateBtn_DISABLED=new Image(); var strBtnW; var strBtnH; var strBtnImg; var dteToday=new Date; var dteCur=new Date; var dteMin=new Date; var dteMax=new Date; var scX=4; // default where to display calendar var scY=4; // Defaults var strDefDateFmt='dd-MMM-yyyy'; var intDefBtnMode=0; var strDefBtnImgPath=calMgr.DefBtnImgPath; /* PROPERTIES ============================================================= * */ // Generic Properties this.varName=strVarName; this.enabled=true; this.readonly=false; this.focusClick=false; this.hideButton=false; this.visible=false; this.displayLeft=false; this.displayTop=false; // Name Properties this.formName=strFormName; this.textBoxName=strTextBoxName; this.btnName=strBtnName; this.required=false; this.x=scX; this.y=scY; this.imgUp=img_DateBtn_UP; this.imgOver=img_DateBtn_OVER; this.imgDown=img_DateBtn_DOWN; this.imgDisabled=img_DateBtn_DISABLED; // look this.showWeekends=true; this.showHolidays=true; this.disableWeekends=false; this.disableHolidays=false; this.textBoxWidth=160; this.textBoxHeight=20; this.btnImgWidth=strBtnW; this.btnImgHeight=strBtnH; if ((intBtnMode==null)||(intBtnMode<0 && intBtnMode>2)) { intBtnMode=intDefBtnMode } switch (intBtnMode) { case 0 : strBtnImg=strDefBtnImgPath+'btn_date_up.gif'; img_DateBtn_UP.src=strDefBtnImgPath+'btn_date_up.gif'; img_DateBtn_OVER.src=strDefBtnImgPath+'btn_date_over.gif'; img_DateBtn_DOWN.src=strDefBtnImgPath+'btn_date_down.gif'; img_DateBtn_DISABLED.src=strDefBtnImgPath+'btn_date_disabled.gif'; strBtnW = '18'; strBtnH = '20'; break; case 1 : strBtnImg=strDefBtnImgPath+'btn_date1_up.gif'; img_DateBtn_UP.src=strDefBtnImgPath+'btn_date1_up.gif'; img_DateBtn_OVER.src=strDefBtnImgPath+'btn_date1_over.gif'; img_DateBtn_DOWN.src=strDefBtnImgPath+'btn_date1_down.gif'; img_DateBtn_DISABLED.src=strDefBtnImgPath+'btn_date1_disabled.gif'; strBtnW = '22'; strBtnH = '17'; break; case 2 : strBtnImg=strDefBtnImgPath+'btn_date2_up.gif'; img_DateBtn_UP.src=strDefBtnImgPath+'btn_date2_up.gif'; img_DateBtn_OVER.src=strDefBtnImgPath+'btn_date2_over.gif'; img_DateBtn_DOWN.src=strDefBtnImgPath+'btn_date2_down.gif'; img_DateBtn_DISABLED.src=strDefBtnImgPath+'btn_date2_disabled.gif'; strBtnW = '34'; strBtnH = '21'; break; } // Date Properties this.dateFormat=strDefDateFmt; this.useDateRange=false; this.minDate=new Date; this.maxDate=new Date(dteToday.getFullYear()+1, dteToday.getMonth(), dteToday.getDate()); this.minDay = function() { return this.minDate.getDate(); } this.minMonth = function() { return this.minDate.getMonth(); } this.minYear = function() { return this.minDate.getFullYear(); } this.maxDay = function() { return this.maxDate.getDate(); } this.maxMonth = function() { return this.maxDate.getMonth(); } this.maxYear = function() { return this.maxYear.getFullYear(); } function setMinDate(intYear, intMonth, intDay) { this.minDate = new Date(intYear, intMonth-1, intDay); } this.setMinDate=setMinDate; function setMaxDate(intYear, intMonth, intDay) { this.maxDate = new Date(intYear, intMonth-1, intDay); } this.setMaxDate=setMaxDate; this.minYearChoice=dteToday.getFullYear()-10; this.maxYearChoice=dteToday.getFullYear()+10; this.textBox= function() { if (!blnInConstructor) { return eval('document.'+this.formName+'.'+this.textBoxName); } } this.getSelectedDate = function () { var strTempVal=''; var objEle; if ((typeof this.formName !='undefined') && (typeof this.textBoxName!='undefined')) { objEle=eval('document.'+this.formName+'.'+this.textBoxName); if (objEle && !blnInConstructor) { strTempVal=eval('document.'+this.formName+'.'+this.textBoxName+'.value'); } else { strTempVal=strDefaultValue; } } else { strTempVal=strDefaultValue; } return strTempVal; } function setSelectedDate(strWhat) { var strTempVal=''; var objEle; eval('document.'+this.formName+'.'+this.textBoxName).value=strWhat; if (!calMgr.isDate(quote(strWhat),quote(this.dateFormat))) { eval('document.'+this.formName+'.'+this.textBoxName).className = "cal-TextBoxInvalid"; } else { eval('document.'+this.formName+'.'+this.textBoxName).className = "cal-TextBox"; } } this.setSelectedDate=setSelectedDate; function disable() { this.hide(); calMgr.swapImg(this,'.imgDisabled',false); this.enabled=false; eval('document.'+this.formName+'.'+this.textBoxName).disabled=true; eval('document.'+this.formName+'.'+this.textBoxName).className = "cal-TextBoxDisabled"; if (scNN) { eval('document.'+this.formName+'.'+this.textBoxName).onFocus= function() {this.blur();}; } } this.disable=disable; function enable() { this.enabled=true; calMgr.swapImg(this,'.imgUp',false); eval('document.'+this.formName+'.'+this.textBoxName).disabled=false; eval('document.'+this.formName+'.'+this.textBoxName).className = "cal-TextBox"; if (scNN) { eval('document.'+this.formName+'.'+this.textBoxName).onFocus= null; } if (!calMgr.isDate(quote(this.getSelectedDate()),quote(this.dateFormat))) { eval('document.'+this.formName+'.'+this.textBoxName).className = "cal-TextBoxInvalid"; } } this.enable=enable; // behavior Properties this.JStoRunOnSelect=''; this.JStoRunOnClear=''; this.JStoRunOnCancel=''; this.hideCombos=true; /* METHODS =============================================================== * */ function makeCalendar(intWhatMonth,intWhatYear,bViewOnly) { if (bViewOnly) {intWhatMonth-=1;} var strOutput = ''; var intStartMonth=intWhatMonth; var intStartYear=intWhatYear; var intLoop; var strTemp=''; var strDateColWidth; var isWE = false; dteCur.setMonth(intWhatMonth); dteCur.setFullYear(intWhatYear); dteCur.setDate(dteToday.getDate()); dteCur.setHours(0);dteCur.setMinutes(0);dteCur.setSeconds(0);dteCur.setMilliseconds(0); if (!(bViewOnly)) { strTemp='<form name="spiffyCal">'; } // special case for form not to be inside table in Netscape 6 if (scNN6) { strOutput += strTemp +'<table width="185" border="3" class="cal-Table" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr>'; } else { strOutput += '<table width="185" border="3" class="cal-Table" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">'+strTemp+'<tr>'; } if (!(bViewOnly)) { strOutput += '<td class="cal-HeadCell" align="center" width="100%"><a href="javascript:'+this.varName+'.clearDay();"><img name="calbtn1" src="'+strDefBtnImgPath+'btn_del_small.gif" border="0" width="12" height="10"></a> <a href="javascript:'+this.varName+'.scrollMonth(-1);" class="cal-DayLink"><</a> <SELECT class="cal-ComboBox" NAME="cboMonth" onChange="'+this.varName+'.changeMonth();">'; for (intLoop=0; intLoop<12; intLoop++) { if (intLoop == intWhatMonth) strOutput += '<OPTION VALUE="' + intLoop + '" SELECTED>' + msNames[intLoop] + '<\/OPTION>'; else strOutput += '<OPTION VALUE="' + intLoop + '">' + msNames[intLoop] + '<\/OPTION>'; } strOutput += '<\/SELECT><SELECT class="cal-ComboBox" NAME="cboYear" onChange="'+this.varName+'.changeYear();">'; for (intLoop=this.minYearChoice; intLoop<this.maxYearChoice; intLoop++) { if (intLoop == intWhatYear) strOutput += '<OPTION VALUE="' + intLoop + '" SELECTED>' + intLoop + '<\/OPTION>'; else strOutput += '<OPTION VALUE="' + intLoop + '">' + intLoop + '<\/OPTION>'; } strOutput += '<\/SELECT> <a href="javascript:'+this.varName+'.scrollMonth(1);" class="cal-DayLink">></a> <a href="javascript:'+this.varName+'.hide();"><img name="calbtn2" src="'+strDefBtnImgPath+'btn_close_small.gif" border="0" width="12" height="10"></a><\/td><\/tr><tr><td width="100%" align="center">'; } else { strOutput += '<td class="cal-HeadCell" align="center" width="100%">'+msNames[intWhatMonth]+'-'+intWhatYear+'<\/td><\/tr><tr><td width="100%" align="center">'; } firstDay = new Date(intWhatYear,intWhatMonth,1); startDay = firstDay.getDay(); if (((intWhatYear % 4 == 0) && (intWhatYear % 100 != 0)) || (intWhatYear % 400 == 0)) msDays[1] = 29; else msDays[1] = 28; strOutput += '<table width="185" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="0"><tr>'; // Header ROW showing days of week here for (intLoop=0; intLoop<7; intLoop++) { if (intLoop==0 || intLoop==6) { strDateColWidth="15%" } else { strDateColWidth="14%" } strOutput += '<td class="cal-HeadCell" width="' + strDateColWidth + '" align="center" valign="middle">'+ msDOW[intLoop] +'<\/td>'; } strOutput += '<\/tr><tr>'; var intColumn = 0; var intLastMonth = intWhatMonth - 1; var intLastYear = intWhatYear; if (intLastMonth == -1) { intLastMonth = 11; intLastYear=intLastYear-1;} // Show last month's days in first row for (intLoop=0; intLoop<startDay; intLoop++, intColumn++) { strOutput += this.getDayLink(true,(msDays[intLastMonth]-startDay+intLoop+1),intLastMonth,intLastYear,bViewOnly,isWE); } // Show this month's days for (intLoop=1; intLoop<=msDays[intWhatMonth]; intLoop++, intColumn++) { if ((intColumn % 6)==0) {isWE=true } else {isWE=false} strOutput += this.getDayLink(false,intLoop,intWhatMonth,intWhatYear,bViewOnly,isWE); if (intColumn == 6) { strOutput += '<\/tr><tr>'; intColumn = -1; } } var intNextMonth = intWhatMonth+1; var intNextYear = intWhatYear; if (intNextMonth==12) { intNextMonth=0; intNextYear=intNextYear+1;} // Show next month's days in last row if (intColumn > 0) { for (intLoop=1; intColumn<7; intLoop++, intColumn++) { strOutput += this.getDayLink(true,intLoop,intNextMonth,intNextYear,bViewOnly); } strOutput += '<\/tr><\/table><\/td><\/tr>'; } else { strOutput = strOutput.substr(0,strOutput.length-4); // remove the <tr> from the end if there's no last row strOutput += '<\/table><\/td><\/tr>'; } if (scNN6) { strOutput += '<\/table><\/form>'; } else { strOutput += '<\/form><\/table>'; } dteCur.setDate(1); dteCur.setHours(0);dteCur.setMinutes(0);dteCur.setSeconds(0);dteCur.setMilliseconds(0); dteCur.setMonth(intStartMonth); dteCur.setFullYear(intStartYear); return strOutput; } this.makeCalendar=makeCalendar; // writeControl ------------------------------------- // function writeControl() { var strHold=''; var strTemp=''; var strTempMinDate=''; var strTempMaxDate=''; // specify whether you can type in the date box and validate them as well // or whether you must use the calendar only to select a date if (this.readonly) { strTemp=' onFocus="this.blur();" readonly '; } if (this.focusClick) { strTemp=' onFocus="'+this.varName+'.show();" '; } if (!(this.useDateRange)) { strTemp+=' onChange="calMgr.validateDate(document.'+this.formName+'.'+this.textBoxName+','+this.varName+'.required);" onBlur="calMgr.formatDate(document.'+this.formName+'.'+this.textBoxName+','+this.varName+'.dateFormat);" '; } else { strTempMinDate=this.minDate.getDate()+'-'+msNames[this.minDate.getMonth()]+'-'+this.minDate.getFullYear(); strTempMaxDate=this.maxDate.getDate()+'-'+msNames[this.maxDate.getMonth()]+'-'+this.maxDate.getFullYear(); strTemp+=' onChange="calMgr.validateDate('+'document.'+this.formName+'.'+this.textBoxName+','+this.varName+'.required,'+this.varName+'.minDate,'+this.varName+'.maxDate);" onBlur="calMgr.formatDate(document.'+this.formName+'.'+this.textBoxName+','+this.varName+'.dateFormat);" '; } strHold='<input class="cal-TextBox" type="text" name="' + this.textBoxName + '"' + strTemp + 'size="12" value="' + this.getSelectedDate() + '">'; if (!scIE) { strTemp=' href="javascript:calClick();return false;" '; } else { strTemp=''; } if ((this.focusClick==false) || (this.focusClick==true && this.hideButton==false)) { strHold+='<a class="so-BtnLink"'+strTemp; strHold+=' onmouseover="calMgr.swapImg(' + this.varName + ',\'.imgOver\',false);" '; strHold+='onmouseout="calMgr.swapImg(' + this.varName + ',\'.imgUp\',false);" '; strHold+='onclick="calMgr.swapImg(' + this.varName + ',\'.imgDown\',true);'; // strHold+=this.varName+'.show();return false;">'; strHold+=this.varName+'.show();">'; strHold+='<img align="absmiddle" border="0" name="' + this.btnName + '" src="' + strBtnImg +'" width="'+ strBtnW +'" height="'+ strBtnH +'"></a>'; } document.write(strHold); } this.writeControl=writeControl; // show ------------------------------------- // function show() { var strCurSelDate = calMgr.lastSelectedDate; if (!this.enabled) { return } calMgr.hideAllCalendars(this); if (this.visible) { this.hide(); } else { // put these next 2 lines in when the tiny cal btns seem to randomly disappear if (document.images['calbtn1']!=null ) document.images['calbtn1'].src=img_Del.src; if (document.images['calbtn2']!=null ) document.images['calbtn2'].src=img_Close.src; if (this.focusClick==true && this.hideButton==true) { //if no dropdown button then use user-provided location for it scX=this.x; scY=this.y; } else { // get correct position of date btn if ( scIE ) { if (this.displayLeft) { scX = getOffsetLeft(document.images[this.btnName])-192+ document.images[this.btnName].width ; } else { scX = getOffsetLeft(document.images[this.btnName]); } if (this.displayTop) { scY = getOffsetTop(document.images[this.btnName]) -138 ; } else { scY = getOffsetTop(document.images[this.btnName]) + document.images[this.btnName].height + 2; } } else if (scNN){ if (this.displayLeft) { scX = document.images[this.btnName].x - 192+ document.images[this.btnName].width; } else { scX = document.images[this.btnName].x; } if (this.displayTop) { scY = document.images[this.btnName].y -134; } else { scY = document.images[this.btnName].y + document.images[this.btnName].height + 2; } } } // hide all combos underneath it if (this.hideCombos) {toggleCombos('hidden');} // pop calendar up to the correct month and year if there's a date there // otherwise pop it up using today's month and year if (this.getSelectedDate()==''){ if (!(dteCur)) { domlay('spiffycalendar',1,scX,scY,this.makeCalendar(dteToday.getMonth(),dteToday.getFullYear())); } else { domlay('spiffycalendar',1,scX,scY,this.makeCalendar(dteCur.getMonth(),dteCur.getFullYear())); } } else { if (calMgr.isDate(quote(this.getSelectedDate()),quote(this.dateFormat))) { dteCur = calMgr.getDateFromFormat(quote(this.getSelectedDate()),quote(this.dateFormat)); dteCur.setHours(0);dteCur.setMinutes(0);dteCur.setSeconds(0);dteCur.setMilliseconds(0); } else { dteCur=calMgr.lastSelectedDate; } domlay('spiffycalendar',1,scX,scY,this.makeCalendar(dteCur.getMonth(),dteCur.getFullYear())); } this.visible=true; } } this.show=show; // hide ------------------------------------- // function hide() { domlay('spiffycalendar',0,scX,scY); this.visible = false; calMgr.swapImg(this,'.imgUp',false); if (this.hideCombos) {toggleCombos('visible');} } this.hide=hide; // clearDay ------------------------------------- // function clearDay() { eval('document.' + this.formName + '.' + this.textBoxName + '.value = \'\''); this.hide(); if (this.JStoRunOnClear!=null) eval(unescape(this.JStoRunOnClear)); eval('document.'+this.formName+'.'+this.textBoxName).className = "cal-TextBox"; if (this.required) { eval('document.'+this.formName+'.'+this.textBoxName).className = "cal-TextBoxInvalid"; } } this.clearDay=clearDay; // changeDay ------------------------------------- // function changeDay(intWhatDay) { dteCur.setDate(intWhatDay); dteCur.setHours(0);dteCur.setMinutes(0);dteCur.setSeconds(0);dteCur.setMilliseconds(0); this.textBox().value=calMgr.scFormatDate(dteCur,this.dateFormat); this.hide(); if (this.JStoRunOnSelect!=null) eval(unescape(this.JStoRunOnSelect)); eval('document.'+this.formName+'.'+this.textBoxName).className = "cal-TextBox"; } this.changeDay=changeDay; // scrollMonth ------------------------------------- // function scrollMonth(intAmount) { var intMonthCheck; var intYearCheck; if (scIE) { intMonthCheck = document.forms["spiffyCal"].cboMonth.selectedIndex + intAmount; } else if (scNN) { intMonthCheck = document.spiffycalendar.document.forms["spiffyCal"].cboMonth.selectedIndex + intAmount; } if (intMonthCheck < 0) { intYearCheck = dteCur.getFullYear() - 1; if ( intYearCheck < this.minYearChoice ) { intYearCheck = this.minYearChoice; intMonthCheck = 0; } else { intMonthCheck = 11; } dteCur.setFullYear(intYearCheck); } else if (intMonthCheck >11) { intYearCheck = dteCur.getFullYear() + 1; if ( intYearCheck > this.maxYearChoice-1 ) { intYearCheck = this.maxYearChoice-1; intMonthCheck = 11; } else { intMonthCheck = 0; } dteCur.setFullYear(intYearCheck); } if (scIE) { dteCur.setMonth(document.forms["spiffyCal"].cboMonth.options[intMonthCheck].value); } else if (scNN) { dteCur.setMonth(document.spiffycalendar.document.forms["spiffyCal"].cboMonth.options[intMonthCheck].value ); } domlay('spiffycalendar',1,scX,scY,this.makeCalendar(dteCur.getMonth(),dteCur.getFullYear())); } this.scrollMonth=scrollMonth; // changeMonth ------------------------------------- // function changeMonth() { if (scIE) { dteCur.setMonth(document.forms["spiffyCal"].cboMonth.options[document.forms["spiffyCal"].cboMonth.selectedIndex].value); domlay('spiffycalendar',1,scX,scY,this.makeCalendar(dteCur.getMonth(),dteCur.getFullYear())); } else if (scNN) { dteCur.setMonth(document.spiffycalendar.document.forms["spiffyCal"].cboMonth.options[document.spiffycalendar.document.forms["spiffyCal"].cboMonth.selectedIndex].value); domlay('spiffycalendar',1,scX,scY,this.makeCalendar(dteCur.getMonth(),dteCur.getFullYear())); } } this.changeMonth=changeMonth; // changeYear ------------------------------------- // function changeYear() { if (scIE) { dteCur.setFullYear(document.forms["spiffyCal"].cboYear.options[document.forms["spiffyCal"].cboYear.selectedIndex].value); domlay('spiffycalendar',1,scX,scY,this.makeCalendar(dteCur.getMonth(),dteCur.getFullYear())); } else if (scNN) { dteCur.setFullYear(document.spiffycalendar.document.forms["spiffyCal"].cboYear.options[document.spiffycalendar.document.forms["spiffyCal"].cboYear.selectedIndex].value); domlay('spiffycalendar',1,scX,scY,this.makeCalendar(dteCur.getMonth(),dteCur.getFullYear())); } } this.changeYear=changeYear; function getDayLink(blnIsGreyDate,intLinkDay,intLinkMonth,intLinkYear,bViewOnly,isWE) { var templink; var tempLinkClass='calDay-Link'; var tempClass='cal-DayCell'; var tempDt=''; var isHol=-1; var holTxt=''; if (isWE==true && this.showWeekends==true) {tempClass='cal-WeekendCell';} tempDt=msNames[intLinkMonth]+'-'+intLinkDay; if (this.showHolidays) {isHol=calMgr.isHoliday(tempDt); if (isHol!=-1) {holTxt=' title="'+calMgr.HolidaysDesc[isHol]+'"'; tempClass='cal-HolidayCell';}} if (!(this.useDateRange)) { if (blnIsGreyDate) { templink='<td align="center" class="cal-GreyDate">' + intLinkDay + '<\/td>'; } else { if (isDayToday(intLinkDay)) { if (!(bViewOnly)) { templink='<td align="center" class="'+tempClass+'">' + '<a class="cal-TodayLink" '+holTxt+' onmouseover="self.status=\' \';return true" href="javascript:'+this.varName+'.changeDay(' + intLinkDay + ');">' + intLinkDay + '<\/a><\/td>'; } else { templink='<td align="center" class="'+tempClass+'"><span class="cal-Today">' + intLinkDay +'<\/span><\/td>'; } } else { if (!(bViewOnly)) { templink='<td align="center" class="'+tempClass+'">' + '<a class="cal-DayLink" '+holTxt+' onmouseover="self.status=\' \';return true" href="javascript:'+this.varName+'.changeDay(' + intLinkDay + ');">' + intLinkDay + '<\/a>' +'<\/td>'; } else { templink='<td align="center" class="'+tempClass+'"><span class="cal-Day">' + intLinkDay + '<\/span><\/td>'; } } } } else { if (this.isDayValid(intLinkDay,intLinkMonth,intLinkYear)) { if (blnIsGreyDate){ templink='<td align="center" class="cal-GreyDate">' + intLinkDay + '<\/td>'; } else { if (isDayToday(intLinkDay)) { if (!(bViewOnly)) { templink='<td align="center" class="'+tempClass+'">' + '<a class="cal-TodayLink" '+holTxt+' onmouseover="self.status=\' \';return true" href="javascript:'+this.varName+'.changeDay(' + intLinkDay + ');">' + intLinkDay + '<\/a>' +'<\/td>'; } else { templink='<td align="center" class="'+tempClass+'"><span class="cal-Today">' + intLinkDay + '<\/span><\/td>'; } } else { if (!(bViewOnly)) { templink='<td align="center" class="'+tempClass+'">' + '<a class="cal-DayLink" '+holTxt+' onmouseover="self.status=\' \';return true" href="javascript:'+this.varName+'.changeDay(' + intLinkDay + ');">' + intLinkDay + '<\/a>' +'<\/td>'; } else { templink='<td align="center" class="'+tempClass+'"><span class="cal-Day">' + intLinkDay +'<\/span><\/td>'; } } } } else { templink='<td align="center" class="cal-GreyInvalidDate">'+ intLinkDay + '<\/td>'; } } return templink; } this.getDayLink=getDayLink; // EXTRA Private FUNCTIONS =============================================================== function toggleCombos(showHow){ var i; var j; var cboX; var cboY; for (i=0;i<document.forms.length;i++) { for (j=0;j<document.forms[i].elements.length;j++) { if (document.forms[i].elements[j].tagName == "SELECT") { if (document.forms[i].name != "spiffyCal") { cboX = getOffsetLeft(document.forms[i].elements[j]); cboY = getOffsetTop(document.forms[i].elements[j]); if ( ((cboX>=scX-15) && (cboX<=scX+200)) && ((cboY>=scY-15) && (cboY<=scY+145)) ) document.forms[i].elements[j].style.visibility=showHow; //Check for right hand side overlapping. cboX = cboX + parseInt(document.forms[i].elements[j].style.width); cboY=cboY+15;//cbo height (default) if ( ((cboX>=scX+15) && (cboX<=scX+200)) && ((cboY>=scY-15) && (cboY<=scY+145)) ) document.forms[i].elements[j].style.visibility=showHow; } } } } } function isDayToday(intWhatDay) { if ((dteCur.getFullYear() == dteToday.getFullYear()) && (dteCur.getMonth() == dteToday.getMonth()) && (intWhatDay == dteToday.getDate())) { return true; } else { return false; } } function isDayValid(intWhatDay, intWhatMonth, intWhatYear){ dteCur.setDate(intWhatDay); dteCur.setMonth(intWhatMonth); dteCur.setFullYear(intWhatYear); dteCur.setHours(0);dteCur.setMinutes(0);dteCur.setSeconds(0);dteCur.setMilliseconds(0); if ((dteCur>=this.minDate) && (dteCur<=this.maxDate)) { return true; } else { return false; } } this.isDayValid=isDayValid; calMgr.addCalendar(this); blnInConstructor=false; } // Utility functions---------------------------------- function quote(sWhat) { return '\''+sWhat+'\''; } function getOffsetLeft (el) { var ol = el.offsetLeft; while ((el = el.offsetParent) != null) ol += el.offsetLeft; return ol; } function getOffsetTop (el) { var ot = el.offsetTop; while((el = el.offsetParent) != null) ot += el.offsetTop; return ot; } function calClick() { window.focus(); } function domlay(id,trigger,lax,lay,content) { /* * Cross browser Layer visibility / Placement Routine * Done by Chris Heilmann (mail@ichwill.net) * http://www.ichwill.net/mom/domlay/ * Feel free to use with these lines included! * Created with help from Scott Andrews. * The marked part of the content change routine is taken * from a script by Reyn posted in the DHTML * Forum at Website Attraction and changed to work with * any layername. Cheers to that! * Welcome DOM-1, about time you got included... :) */ // Layer visible if (trigger=="1"){ if (document.layers) document.layers[''+id+''].visibility = "show" else if (document.all) document.all[''+id+''].style.visibility = "visible" else if (document.getElementById) document.getElementById(''+id+'').style.visibility = "visible" } // Layer hidden else if (trigger=="0"){ if (document.layers) document.layers[''+id+''].visibility = "hide" else if (document.all) document.all[''+id+''].style.visibility = "hidden" else if (document.getElementById) document.getElementById(''+id+'').style.visibility = "hidden" } // Set horizontal position if (lax){ if (document.layers){document.layers[''+id+''].left = lax} else if (document.all){document.all[''+id+''].style.left=lax} else if (document.getElementById){document.getElementById(''+id+'').style.left=lax+"px"} } // Set vertical position if (lay){ if (document.layers){document.layers[''+id+''].top = lay} else if (document.all){document.all[''+id+''].style.top=lay} else if (document.getElementById){document.getElementById(''+id+'').style.top=lay+"px"} } // change content if (content){ if (document.layers){ sprite=document.layers[''+id+''].document; // add father layers if needed! document.layers[''+father+'']... sprite.open(); sprite.write(content); sprite.close(); } else if (document.all) document.all[''+id+''].innerHTML = content; else if (document.getElementById){ //Thanx Reyn! rng = document.createRange(); el = document.getElementById(''+id+''); rng.setStartBefore(el); htmlFrag = rng.createContextualFragment(content) while(el.hasChildNodes()) el.removeChild(el.lastChild); el.appendChild(htmlFrag); // end of Reyn ;) } } } function makeArray0() { for (i = 0; i<makeArray0.arguments.length; i++) this[i] = makeArray0.arguments[i]; } //---------------------------------------
2018. | Recode by D7net