0byt3m1n1 - D7net
0byt3m1n1 - D7net
Name File: calendarcode.js
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/* * Bazillyo's Spiffy DHTML Popup Calendar v. 1.0 © 2000 S. Ousta * - freeware with this comment * - for download size, you can strip all spaces & comments except the © notices * - Thanks to Chris for the domlay() function * - this requires calendarcode.js, calendar.css, and calendarTest.htm * - works in IE4.x, IE5.x, NS4.75 possibly 4.x, NS6 (with slight cosmetic issues) * - Netscape does display some controls overtop of the layer so layout is important * */ // initialiZe variables... var ppcIE=((navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") || ((navigator.appName == "Netscape") && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion)==5))); var ppcNN6=((navigator.appName == "Netscape") && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion)==5)); //var ppcIE=(navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer"); var ppcNN=((navigator.appName == "Netscape")&&(document.layers)); var ppcX = 4; var ppcY = 4; var IsCalendarVisible; var calfrmName; var maxYearList; var minYearList; var todayDate = new Date; var curDate = new Date; var curImg; var curDateBox; var minDate = new Date; var maxDate = new Date; var hideDropDowns; var IsUsingMinMax; var FuncsToRun; var img_del; var img_close; img_del=new Image(); img_del.src="./images/cal_del_small.gif"; img_close=new Image(); img_close.src="./images/cal_close_small.gif"; minYearList=todayDate.getFullYear()-10; maxYearList=todayDate.getFullYear()+10; IsCalendarVisible=false; img_Date_UP=new Image(); img_Date_UP.src="./images/cal_date_up.gif"; img_Date_OVER=new Image(); img_Date_OVER.src="./images/cal_date_over.gif"; img_Date_DOWN=new Image(); img_Date_DOWN.src="./images/cal_date_down.gif"; function calSwapImg(whatID, NewImg,override) { if (document.images) { if (!( IsCalendarVisible && override )) { document.images[whatID].src = eval(NewImg + ".src"); } } window.status=' '; return true; } function getOffsetLeft (el) { var ol = el.offsetLeft; while ((el = el.offsetParent) != null) ol += el.offsetLeft; return ol+130; } function getOffsetTop (el) { var ot = el.offsetTop; while((el = el.offsetParent) != null) ot += el.offsetTop; return ot-50; } function showCalendar(frmName, dteBox,btnImg, hideDrops, MnDt, MnMo, MnYr, MxDt, MxMo, MxYr,runFuncs) { hideDropDowns = hideDrops; FuncsToRun = runFuncs; calfrmName = frmName; if (IsCalendarVisible) { hideCalendar(); } else { if (document.images['calbtn1']!=null ) document.images['calbtn1'].src=img_del.src; if (document.images['calbtn2']!=null ) document.images['calbtn2'].src=img_close.src; if (hideDropDowns) {toggleDropDowns('hidden');} if ((MnDt!=null) && (MnMo!=null) && (MnYr!=null) && (MxDt!=null) && (MxMo!=null) && (MxYr!=null)) { IsUsingMinMax = true; minDate.setDate(MnDt); minDate.setMonth(MnMo-1); minDate.setFullYear(MnYr); maxDate.setDate(MxDt); maxDate.setMonth(MxMo-1); maxDate.setFullYear(MxYr); } else { IsUsingMinMax = false; } curImg = btnImg; curDateBox = dteBox; if ( ppcIE ) { ppcX = getOffsetLeft(document.images[btnImg]); ppcY = getOffsetTop(document.images[btnImg]) + document.images[btnImg].height; } else if (ppcNN){ ppcX = document.images[btnImg].x + 90; ppcY = document.images[btnImg].y - 45; } domlay('popupcalendar',1,ppcX,ppcY,Calendar(todayDate.getMonth(),todayDate.getFullYear())); //domlay('popupcalendar',1,ppcX,ppcY,Calendar(curDate.getMonth(),curDate.getFullYear())); IsCalendarVisible = true; } } function toggleDropDowns(showHow){ var i; var j; for (i=0;i<document.forms.length;i++) { for (j=0;j<document.forms[i].elements.length;j++) { if (document.forms[i].elements[j].tagName == "SELECT") { if (document.forms[i].name != "Cal") document.forms[i].elements[j].style.visibility=showHow; } } } } function hideCalendar(){ domlay('popupcalendar',0,ppcX,ppcY); calSwapImg(curImg, 'img_Date_UP'); IsCalendarVisible = false; if (hideDropDowns) {toggleDropDowns('visible');} } function calClick() { window.focus(); } function domlay(id,trigger,lax,lay,content) { /* * Cross browser Layer visibility / Placement Routine * Done by Chris Heilmann (mail@ichwill.net) * Feel free to use with these lines included! * Created with help from Scott Andrews. * The marked part of the content change routine is taken * from a script by Reyn posted in the DHTML * Forum at Website Attraction and changed to work with * any layername. Cheers to that! * Welcome DOM-1, about time you got included... :) */ // Layer visible if (trigger=="1"){ if (document.layers) document.layers[''+id+''].visibility = "show" else if (document.all) document.all[''+id+''].style.visibility = "visible" else if (document.getElementById) document.getElementById(''+id+'').style.visibility = "visible" } // Layer hidden else if (trigger=="0"){ if (document.layers) document.layers[''+id+''].visibility = "hide" else if (document.all) document.all[''+id+''].style.visibility = "hidden" else if (document.getElementById) document.getElementById(''+id+'').style.visibility = "hidden" } // Set horizontal position if (lax){ if (document.layers){document.layers[''+id+''].left = lax} else if (document.all){document.all[''+id+''].style.left=lax} else if (document.getElementById){document.getElementById(''+id+'').style.left=lax+"px"} } // Set vertical position if (lay){ if (document.layers){document.layers[''+id+''].top = lay} else if (document.all){document.all[''+id+''].style.top=lay} else if (document.getElementById){document.getElementById(''+id+'').style.top=lay+"px"} } // change content if (content){ if (document.layers){ sprite=document.layers[''+id+''].document; // add father layers if needed! document.layers[''+father+'']... sprite.open(); sprite.write(content); sprite.close(); } else if (document.all) document.all[''+id+''].innerHTML = content; else if (document.getElementById){ //Thanx Reyn! rng = document.createRange(); el = document.getElementById(''+id+''); rng.setStartBefore(el); htmlFrag = rng.createContextualFragment(content) while(el.hasChildNodes()) el.removeChild(el.lastChild); el.appendChild(htmlFrag); // end of Reyn ;) } } } function Calendar(whatMonth,whatYear) { var output = ''; var datecolwidth; var startMonth; var startYear; startMonth=whatMonth; startYear=whatYear; curDate.setMonth(whatMonth); curDate.setFullYear(whatYear); curDate.setDate(todayDate.getDate()); if (ppcNN6) { output += '<form name="Cal"><table width="185" border="3" class="cal-Table" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr>'; } else { output += '<table width="185" border="3" class="cal-Table" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><form name="Cal"><tr>'; } output += '<td class="cal-HeadCell" align="center" width="100%"><a href="javascript:clearDay();"><img name="calbtn1" src="./images/cal_del_small.gif" border="0" width="12" height="10"></a> <a href="javascript:scrollMonth(-1);" class="cal-DayLink"><</a> <SELECT class="cal-TextBox" NAME="cboMonth" onChange="changeMonth();">'; for (month=0; month<12; month++) { if (month == whatMonth) output += '<OPTION VALUE="' + month + '" SELECTED>' + names[month] + '<\/OPTION>'; else output += '<OPTION VALUE="' + month + '">' + names[month] + '<\/OPTION>'; } output += '<\/SELECT><SELECT class="cal-TextBox" NAME="cboYear" onChange="changeYear();">'; for (year=minYearList; year<maxYearList; year++) { if (year == whatYear) output += '<OPTION VALUE="' + year + '" SELECTED>' + year + '<\/OPTION>'; else output += '<OPTION VALUE="' + year + '">' + year + '<\/OPTION>'; } output += '<\/SELECT> <a href="javascript:scrollMonth(1);" class="cal-DayLink">></a> <a href="javascript:hideCalendar();"><img name="calbtn2" src="./images/cal_close_small.gif" border="0" width="12" height="10"></a><\/td><\/tr><tr><td width="100%" align="center">'; firstDay = new Date(whatYear,whatMonth,1); startDay = firstDay.getDay(); if (((whatYear % 4 == 0) && (whatYear % 100 != 0)) || (whatYear % 400 == 0)) days[1] = 29; else days[1] = 28; output += '<table width="185" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="0"><tr>'; for (i=0; i<7; i++) { if (i==0 || i==6) { datecolwidth="15%" } else { datecolwidth="14%" } output += '<td class="cal-HeadCell" width="' + datecolwidth + '" align="center" valign="middle">'+ dow[i] +'<\/td>'; } output += '<\/tr><tr>'; var column = 0; var lastMonth = whatMonth - 1; var lastYear = whatYear; if (lastMonth == -1) { lastMonth = 11; lastYear=lastYear-1;} for (i=0; i<startDay; i++, column++) { output += getDayLink((days[lastMonth]-startDay+i+1),true,lastMonth,lastYear); } for (i=1; i<=days[whatMonth]; i++, column++) { output += getDayLink(i,false,whatMonth,whatYear); if (column == 6) { output += '<\/tr><tr>'; column = -1; } } var nextMonth = whatMonth+1; var nextYear = whatYear; if (nextMonth==12) { nextMonth=0; nextYear=nextYear+1;} if (column > 0) { for (i=1; column<7; i++, column++) { output += getDayLink(i,true,nextMonth,nextYear); } output += '<\/tr><\/table><\/td><\/tr>'; } else { output = output.substr(0,output.length-4); // remove the <tr> from the end if there's no last row output += '<\/table><\/td><\/tr>'; } if (ppcNN6) { output += '<\/table><\/form>'; } else { output += '<\/form><\/table>'; } curDate.setDate(1); curDate.setMonth(startMonth); curDate.setFullYear(startYear); return output; } function getDayLink(linkDay,isGreyDate,linkMonth,linkYear) { var templink; if (!(IsUsingMinMax)) { if (isGreyDate) { templink='<td align="center" class="cal-GreyDate">' + linkDay + '<\/td>'; } else { if (isDayToday(linkDay)) { templink='<td align="center" class="cal-DayCell">' + '<a class="cal-TodayLink" onmouseover="self.status=\' \';return true" href="javascript:changeDay(' + linkDay + ');">' + linkDay + '<\/a>' +'<\/td>'; } else { templink='<td align="center" class="cal-DayCell">' + '<a class="cal-DayLink" onmouseover="self.status=\' \';return true" href="javascript:changeDay(' + linkDay + ');">' + linkDay + '<\/a>' +'<\/td>'; } } } else { if (isDayValid(linkDay,linkMonth,linkYear)) { if (isGreyDate){ templink='<td align="center" class="cal-GreyDate">' + linkDay + '<\/td>'; } else { if (isDayToday(linkDay)) { templink='<td align="center" class="cal-DayCell">' + '<a class="cal-TodayLink" onmouseover="self.status=\' \';return true" href="javascript:changeDay(' + linkDay + ');">' + linkDay + '<\/a>' +'<\/td>'; } else { templink='<td align="center" class="cal-DayCell">' + '<a class="cal-DayLink" onmouseover="self.status=\' \';return true" href="javascript:changeDay(' + linkDay + ');">' + linkDay + '<\/a>' +'<\/td>'; } } } else { templink='<td align="center" class="cal-GreyInvalidDate">'+ linkDay + '<\/td>'; } } return templink; } function isDayToday(isDay) { if ((curDate.getFullYear() == todayDate.getFullYear()) && (curDate.getMonth() == todayDate.getMonth()) && (isDay == todayDate.getDate())) { return true; } else { return false; } } function isDayValid(validDay, validMonth, validYear){ curDate.setDate(validDay); curDate.setMonth(validMonth); curDate.setFullYear(validYear); if ((curDate>=minDate) && (curDate<=maxDate)) { return true; } else { return false; } } function padout(number) { return (number < 10) ? '0' + number : number; } function clearDay() { eval('document.' + calfrmName + '.day.value = \'\''); eval('document.' + calfrmName + '.month.value = \'\''); eval('document.' + calfrmName + '.year.value = \'\''); hideCalendar(); if (FuncsToRun!=null) eval(FuncsToRun); } function changeDay(whatDay) { curDate.setDate(whatDay); // eval('document.' + calfrmName + '.' + curDateBox + '.value = "'+ padout(curDate.getDate()) + '-' + padout(curDate.getMonth()+1) + '-' + curDate.getFullYear() + '"'); eval('document.' + calfrmName + '.day.value = "'+ padout(curDate.getDate()) + '"'); eval('document.' + calfrmName + '.month.value = "'+ padout(curDate.getMonth()+1) + '"'); eval('document.' + calfrmName + '.year.value = "'+ curDate.getFullYear() + '"'); hideCalendar(); if (FuncsToRun!=null) eval(FuncsToRun); } function scrollMonth(amount) { var monthCheck; var yearCheck; if (ppcIE) { monthCheck = document.forms["Cal"].cboMonth.selectedIndex + amount; } else if (ppcNN) { monthCheck = document.popupcalendar.document.forms["Cal"].cboMonth.selectedIndex + amount; } if (monthCheck < 0) { yearCheck = curDate.getFullYear() - 1; if ( yearCheck < minYearList ) { yearCheck = minYearList; monthCheck = 0; } else { monthCheck = 11; } curDate.setFullYear(yearCheck); } else if (monthCheck >11) { yearCheck = curDate.getFullYear() + 1; if ( yearCheck > maxYearList-1 ) { yearCheck = maxYearList-1; monthCheck = 11; } else { monthCheck = 0; } curDate.setFullYear(yearCheck); } if (ppcIE) { curDate.setMonth(document.forms["Cal"].cboMonth.options[monthCheck].value); } else if (ppcNN) { curDate.setMonth(document.popupcalendar.document.forms["Cal"].cboMonth.options[monthCheck].value ); } domlay('popupcalendar',1,ppcX,ppcY,Calendar(curDate.getMonth(),curDate.getFullYear())); } function changeMonth() { if (ppcIE) { curDate.setMonth(document.forms["Cal"].cboMonth.options[document.forms["Cal"].cboMonth.selectedIndex].value); domlay('popupcalendar',1,ppcX,ppcY,Calendar(curDate.getMonth(),curDate.getFullYear())); } else if (ppcNN) { curDate.setMonth(document.popupcalendar.document.forms["Cal"].cboMonth.options[document.popupcalendar.document.forms["Cal"].cboMonth.selectedIndex].value); domlay('popupcalendar',1,ppcX,ppcY,Calendar(curDate.getMonth(),curDate.getFullYear())); } } function changeYear() { if (ppcIE) { curDate.setFullYear(document.forms["Cal"].cboYear.options[document.forms["Cal"].cboYear.selectedIndex].value); domlay('popupcalendar',1,ppcX,ppcY,Calendar(curDate.getMonth(),curDate.getFullYear())); } else if (ppcNN) { curDate.setFullYear(document.popupcalendar.document.forms["Cal"].cboYear.options[document.popupcalendar.document.forms["Cal"].cboYear.selectedIndex].value); domlay('popupcalendar',1,ppcX,ppcY,Calendar(curDate.getMonth(),curDate.getFullYear())); } } function makeArray0() { for (i = 0; i<makeArray0.arguments.length; i++) this[i] = makeArray0.arguments[i]; } var names = new makeArray0('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'); var days = new makeArray0(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31); var dow = new makeArray0('S','M','T','W','T','F','S');
2018. | Recode by D7net